Charles Fillmore
Dynamics For Living
After three decades of studying his writings, it is my conclusion that Charles Fillmore was the greatest sage who has been embodied in the last five hundred years. His steadfast research into the realms of God Mind opened to him infinite adventures. These revelations he generously shared with all who studied in his classes or pondered over his writings. Prayer opened this man’s human consciousness to the dynamics of Spirit.
I knew Charles Fillmore as a man with a diamond character. His sparkling humor, his radiant smile, and his luminescent logic quickened the atmosphere of every room he entered. His genuine humility, his simplicity of requirements, and his complete dedication to Truth were always deeply felt by everyone who was in his presence.
Prayer and faith caused him and his wife Myrtle to be the responsive instruments for a spiritual movement. What she first perceived, practiced, and proved with the healing laws of God, he examined diligently before complete acceptance. However, when he experienced the full impact of the practicality of spiritual science, the way was opened for the evolvement of the Unity movement.
On August 22, 1854, at 4 a.m., Charles Fillmore was born in a log cabin constructed on an Indian reservation near the small community of St. Cloud, Minnesota. There was no thought then, of course, that many people would be transformed by his influential teachings. But the years are proving that his consciousness of universal Truth has established a reliable cornerstone for the spiritual growth of hundreds of thousands of people.
What is “new” about this book is the arrangement in which this compilation is offered. Its purpose is to present the basic substance of Charles Fillmore’s writings in a manner that will invite an expanded study of what he taught.
The sequence employed is a result of Charles Fillmore’s own logical thinking trends. The various sections cover particular conceptions. Such were assembled from the various books and articles by Mr. Fillmore so that each unit would be complete in treating a specific subject.
It is my prayer that as you unfold your understanding of the truth that is so beautifully and positively stated in the following pages, you will find the same dynamics for living that graced the life of Charles Fillmore.
Warren Meyer
November 15, 1966
I am now in the presence of pure Being and immersed in the Holy Spirit of life, love, and wisdom.
I acknowledge Thy presence and power, O blessed Spirit. In Thy divine wisdom now erase my mortal limitations, and from Thy pure substance of love bring into manifestation my world, according to Thy perfect law.
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Dynamics For Living by Charles Fillmore
Table of Contents