H – The Revealing Word Metaphysical Dictionary


Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms

hades–A Greek word, often translated hell. It is supposed to refer to the unseen world, or the abode of the dead. In reality, however, the word has reference to the grave or the “pit.” Hades refers to the outer darkness, the realm of sense, in contrast to the inner or luminously spiritual.

hallow the name of God–To realize that His name means wholeness and perfection for us.

halo–The artists of old always painted saints with an emanation or circle of light around the head, which custom contained a grain of truth. It is from the I AM center in the crown of the head that we draw all new inspiration, all new ideas. When they contact man’s consciousness these new inspirations, new ideas, break forth as a soft golden light (pure wisdom) that surrounds the head. This is known to spiritually quickened men as the halo. (see aura)

hand–Represents executive ability; the doing of things; outer or manual power.

hardening–Refusing to accept guidance of Spirit. Willful ignorance of the God principle in man’s own being, or disobedience to the indwelling Christ.

harmony, divine–Perfect accord with the goodness, the beauty, and the righteousness of omnipresent Spirit. Everything is governed by fixed law, and harmony is its expression. This is illustrated by the living body, which is a sensitive instrument, responsive to the touch of the Master, I AM.

harmony, divine, how lost–When the will is centered in the external and loses sight of the ideal, it breaks the connection between Spirit and manifestation, and thus man loses the harmony that is his under divine law.

harmony, divine, how restored–Through a knowledge of the Truth of Being man is restored to divine harmony. He must know the Truth about himself and conform to it in all his thinking, and not be misled by appearances.

hate–Extreme antipathy, intense aversion, lingering antagonism. Dislike is a mild form of hate. Both hatred and dislike are antichrist, and have no place in the superconsciousness.

hate, bodily effects of–Hate burns out the vital spark in the glands, much as an excessively high current burns out a fuse in your house lighting system. Then the light goes out and death of the body sets in.

hate, remedy for–Love, peace, and harmony are the only remedies that count. “God is love” (I John 4:8), and to live in God-Mind, man must cultivate love until it becomes the keynote of his life.

head–The center from which the mind expresses various thoughts and ideas.

heal–“To make hale, sound, or whole” (Webster). To bring forth the perfect Christ man that exists within each of us.

healer–One who heals the sins of man, and restores him to his original, sinless state. The healer is the focal center of faith; through him faith reaches the patient, directly or by means of someone very much interested in him.

healer, natural–One who has a great compassion and yearning to help humanity out of its errors and suffering. When one enters this state of consciousness a healing virtue pours out that changes all discord to harmony.

healing–“Restoring to original purity or integrity” (Webster). The first step in all spiritual healing is to believe, and the next step is openness and receptivity to the stream of healing life. Through the exercise of faith and our words, our spiritual quality is fused into unity with the power of Christ and the work is marvelously accomplished.

All healing is based on mental cleansing. When the mind is free from error thoughts, harmony in the body ensues. Permanent healing is never accomplished until the mental cause of the disease, the error thought, is removed. Jesus was a true healer, and when He cast out the error that caused the condition, He said, “Sin no more, lest a worse thing befall thee” (John 5:14). The “thing” was caused by sin. Thus the true way to heal is to find the mental cause and destroy it forever.

healing, absent–Healing of an individual by a person who is not in the physical presence of the one being healed.

healing and will power–Through the use of the will, it is possible to bring about an appearance of health. This is not spiritual healing; it is a species of mind dominance.

healing, medical and spiritual–Permanent healing is never gained through medication or drug curing. Spiritual healing restores to perpetual health because it erases the error thought and cleanses the mind. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isa. 1:18).

healing name–Any declaration man may make, in which the name Jesus Christ is used reverently, will contact the spiritual ether where the Christ I AM lives and will open the mind and body to the inflow of spiritual healing power. Affirm: Through Jesus Christ, vitalizing energy floods my whole being, and I am healed.

healing, psychical–Healing on the mental plane.

healing virtue–The restoring power of Being. “For power came forth from him, and healed them all” (Luke 6:19).

healing word–The healing word is not a special creation to meet an emergency. The word goes forth and establishes that which is. It does not heal anything–in its perfection there is nothing to heal. Its office is to behold the perfection of Being.

health–A state of being sound or whole in mind and body. Oneness with the Christ Mind assures perfect health. Health is the normal condition of man, a condition true to the Truth of his being. Health is from within and does not have to be manufactured in the without. It is the very essence of Being, universal and enduring.

That which seems to be sickness does not exist in Truth. When man becomes so much at one with God-Mind that he abides in the consciousness of health, he enters the eternal peace in which he knows that “it is finished” (John 19:30). To know God as health one must take up the study of the healthy mind and make it and not physical appearance the basis of every calculation.

health and the word–Experiences, innumerable times repeated, prove the power of words to bring health. Health is potential in the real of your being. Health can always be demonstrated through the power of the spoken word.

hearing–Ability to look deeper than words and catch the inner meaning. “He that hath ears, let him hear” (Matt. 13:9). In many places the Bible indicates that the ear referred to is not the physical organ but the listening mind.

The “ear” that conceives and really hears is the auditory center in the brain. It is here that the mind grasps and analyzes the sound vibrations.

heart–The heart is love, the affectional consciousness in man. It is the faculty through which man receives love from Being. The heart, however, is but the visible expression of an invisible center of consciousness. It is the center from which the divine substance is poured forth. Everyone uses his heart center when he sends forth a loving thought.

As used in Scripture, the word heart represents the subconscious mind. “Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh” (Luke 6:45).

heart, good and evil–The heart of the unregenerate man is both good and evil, but the evil is without foundation in Being, and has no sustaining power outside man’s belief in its reality. When the heart is purged of all thoughts adverse to good, man consciously contacts the underlying God substance.

heaven–The Christ consciousness; the realm of Divine Mind; a state of consciousness in harmony with the thoughts of God. Heaven is everywhere present. It is the orderly, lawful adjustment of God’s kingdom in man’s mind, body, and affairs.

Jesus, of all those claiming intimate acquaintance with spiritual things, gave heaven definite location. “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). Heaven is within every one of us; a place, a conscious sphere of mind, having all the attraction described or imagined as belonging to heaven. But this kingdom within is not material, it is spiritual.

heaven and earth–Two states of mind, the ideal and the manifestation. According to Revelation 21:1 we are to have new ideals with manifestations in the earth to correspond.

God visioned two planes of consciousness, the heaven and the earth, or more properly, “the heavens and the earth.” One is the realm of pure ideas; the other, of thought forms. Heaven is the orderly realization of divine ideas. Earth is the manifestation of these ideas.

heaven, firmament of–The consciousness of Truth that has been formulated and established.

heaven, restoration to–Faith in Spirit and the ultimate dominance of the good in all men will finally restore man to the heavenly consciousness from which he descended.

heifer–The heifer, she-goat, ram, turtledove, and young pigeon that Abram was instructed to take (Gen. 15:9) represent beliefs on the sense plane that must be sacrificed. The thought of physical strength must be given up, and its spiritual source must be realized. The human must be given up in order that the divine will may prevail. All subconscious resistance to the working of the divine law must be denied away.

hell–Symbolized in the Bible as Gehenna, Ge Hinnom, the Valley of Hinnom–a place outside Jerusalem where the city’s refuse was burned. It symbolizes that purifying fire which consumes the dross of man’s character.

Metaphysically, hell represents a corrective state of mind. When error has reached its limit, the retroactive law asserts itself, and judgment, being part of that law, brings the penalty, called hell, upon the transgressor. This penalty is not punishment, but discipline. If the transgressor is repentant and obedient, he is forgiven. (see fire, hades)

hell of fire–The “hell of fire” spoken of in Scripture is the purifying fire or power of the Spirit. Its purpose is the cleansing and purification of man.

heredity, flesh–The belief that man has his being from man. The law is that like begets like, and this law is set into operation in a way adverse to Truth when man holds himself as the offspring of mortal man. It is overcome by the Truth that God is Father, that man’s real source is God, and that his inheritance is the perfection and wholeness of God. When this Truth is perceived we begin to understand and take on the characteristics of our divine Father. If we believe that God is our Father, and acknowledge Him, He will acknowledge us.

“hid with Christ in God”–The lifting up of the Christ in man in order that his physical and mental nature may be drawn into the universal perfection. Man dies to the old life of sense and lives under a new commandment. “For ye died, and your life is hid with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3).

hireling–The hireling state of mind is that in which one is constantly looking for rewards. This cultivates selfishness, which is the foundation of fear.

hoarding–Gathering things together in the external. This is a vain effort to avert an imagined shortage in the future. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume . . . but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume” (Matt. 6:19,20).

hold all persons in Truth–Never to think evil of anyone, no matter how much error he may seem to express, but to see all as they really are in Spirit: perfect, harmonious, joyous, and prosperous.

hold a thought–To search out and absorb to one’s consciousness, through the process of meditation and prayer, the Truth contained in spiritual words. To repeat some statement of Truth in the silence and meditate on it until it becomes a living word in the consciousness, illuminating and upbuilding mind and body.

holding a mental picture–This is a work that lies deeper than the outer man discerns. The subconscious mind must enter into the process and desire intensely the good that is to be demonstrated. This deep desire keeps in mind an image of that which is to be brought into manifestation.

holding to Principle–Standing steadfast by a statement of Truth in the face of seeming error; insisting on the divine accuracy of one’s faith. Demonstration will follow.

holy–“Spiritually whole; of unimpaired innocence” (Webster). Holiness is wholeness in Spirit, mind, and body. In this state of consciousness man is aware of the all-pervading glory of God.

Holy Communion–To establish our acceptance of the Christ we celebrate Holy Communion within our mind and heart. “And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it; and he gave to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took a cup, and gave thanks, and gave to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the covenant . . . I shall not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matt. 26:26-29).

The bread used in the churches typifies substance, which we consider the Lord’s body, a body of spiritual ideas. The wine used symbolizes His blood, life, or the circulation of divine ideas in our consciousness that will purify our mind and heart and renew our strength, freeing us from all corruption, sin, and evil, and bringing forth in us the abundant unlimited life of God. Through the appropriation and assimilation of substance and life in consciousness, we blend our mind with the Father-Mind, or universal Mind of God, and there is a harmonizing of every fiber of the body with Christ. As our mind and heart are cleansed of untrue thoughts and beliefs, our body will take on the life and light of divinity. Eventually, the body will become living light, as was shown in the transfiguration of Jesus.

Holy Ghost–(see Holy Spirit)

holy ground–(see ground, holy)

holy, holy, holy–The word of Truth; the statement of wholeness of the whole body; a spiritual perception of the all-pervading glory of divine perfection.

holy of holies–The most sacred inner realm of consciousness wherein man comes into awareness of the presence of Spirit.

Holy Spirit–The activity of God in a universal sense. The moving force in the universe taken as a whole. The Spirit is the infinite “breath” of God, the life essence of Being. “And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22).

Holy Spirit is the love of Jehovah taking care of the human family. The Holy Spirit is in the world today with great power and wisdom, ready to be poured upon all who look to it for guidance. Its mission is to bring all men into communion with God; to guide men in order that they will not mistake the way into the light.

The Holy Spirit is third in the Trinity, which in theology is designated: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In metaphysics we approach the Trinity and more readily realize its meaning through the terms mind, idea, and expression. To be “filled with the Holy Spirit” is to realize the activities of Spirit in individual consciousness. The quickening of a man by the Holy Spirit is peculiar to each individual and must be experienced to be understood.

The Holy Spirit is authority on the gospel of Jesus. It is the only authority that Jesus ever recognized, and whoever attempts to set forth His gospel from any other standpoint is in the letter and not the spirit. No man can know what Jesus’ doctrine is except he gets it direct from the one and only custodian. It is not to come secondhand, but each for himself must receive it from the Holy Spirit, which is sent by the Father in the name of the Son.

Holy Spirit, sin against–Resistance to Spirit. So long as it continues, it shuts out the forgiving love of God.

Holy Spirit and the Word–The Word is man’s I AM identity. The Holy Spirit is the outpouring or activity of the living Word. The activity produces the light of Spirit, the Truth of God, the personality of Being.

holy temple–The redeemed spiritual body.

honesty–The divine law in action, which reveals that man must give an equivalent (equal value) for everything that he gets. “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (I Tim. 2:2, Scofield).

hope (and faith)–Hope is the expectation of good in the future. It is a quality (good as far as it goes) of sense mind because it is subject to time. Faith is the certain knowledge that our good is ours right now. It is of God; it goes beyond time and space.

horns, ram’s–Adverse conditions. The blowing of the ram’s horn represents the denial of adverse conditions and the affirmation of the power of Spirit.

horses, four–(see 6th chapter of Revelation.) The four horses and their riders are, first, “a white horse,” representing the power of the Christ; second, “a red horse [war]: and to him that sat thereon it was given to take peace from the earth”; third, “a black horse” [commercialism]: “A measure of wheat for a shilling, and three measures of barley for a shilling”; and fourth, “a pale horse: and he that sat upon him, his name was Death.”

Prodigious preparation for war by nations, incited by the greed for gain, will lead them to “let slip the dogs of war” unless the rider of the white horse comes forth “conquering, and to conquer.”

hosannas–Represent the joyful obedience and homage that all the thoughts in one’s consciousness give when an error state of mind is overcome.

house–The house that God builds and dwells in is man’s body. “Know ye not that your body is a temple [house] of the Holy Spirit?” (I Cor. 6:19). The body temple. “For we are a temple of the living God” (II Cor. 6:16).

humanity–The garden of God, of which the soil is the omnipresent thought substance.

humility–“Freedom from pride and arrogance” (Webster). Recognition that the personal man by himself is ineffectual. “I can of myself do nothing” (John 5:30). “The Father abiding in me doeth his works” (John 14:10).

True humility is needed very much in the Christ-centered individual. The true Christian is humble. He knows the nothingness of the lesser self in man and the allness of Christ.

hypocrite–In classic Greek, the word meant an actor in a theater; so the word came to mean anyone who pretends to be one thing while really he is something far different.

Appearing to be lovingly thoughtful for others, while thinking only of self and reputation, is to deserve only the reward of a hypocrite. No wise man would seek the reward of empty applause, which might satisfy the boastful giver. A modest man asks the approval of Spirit only. (see Matt. 6: 1-18)

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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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