J – The Revealing Word Metaphysical Dictionary


Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms

jealousy–A form of mental bias that blinds the judgment and causes one to act without weighing the consequences. The remedy is a dismissal of the negative thoughts that cause one to be jealous, followed by a fuller trust in the great all-adjusting power of God.

Jehovah–The I AM, the spiritual man, the image and likeness of Elohim God. In the King James Version of the Bible the Hebrew “Jehovah” has been translated “Lord.” Lord means an external ruler. Bible students say that Jehovah means the self-existent One, the I AM. Then instead of reading “Lord” we should read I AM. It makes a great difference whether we think of I AM, self-existence within, or “Lord,” master without. All Scripture shows that Jehovah means just what God told Moses it meant: I AM. “This is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations” (Exod. 3:15).

Jehovah, anger of–The anger and wrath of Jehovah are symbolical of the divine law in man in its often strenuous work of revealing and erasing error from the consciousness.

Jehovah God–The most inclusive name for Being. Jehovah represents the individual I AM and God (Elohim) the Universal Principle.

Jerusalem–“Habitation of peace.” The spiritual center in consciousness. In man it is the abiding consciousness of spiritual peace. When we go deep into the silent recesses of our beings, we realize a stillness and sweetness beyond expression. A great peace is there–the “peace of God, which passeth all understanding” (Phil. 4:7). This is the point in consciousness where the Spiritual energy of life is strong enough to vitalize adjacent body substance. The substance is physically a nerve center just back of the stomach; spiritually it is the realization of the unfailing substance of Divine Mind.

Jerusalem, feast in–Metaphysically, a receptive state of mind toward all spiritual good.

Jerusalem, new–Spiritual consciousness. It is founded on the twelve fundamental ideas in Divine Mind, each represented by one of the precious stones. (Revelation 21: 19, 20) It is also represented by an association of all people in peace, based on spiritual understanding, purity, and a willingness to be united with Christ.

Jesus–The Man of Nazareth, son of Mary; the Saviour of mankind according to present-day Christian belief. Metaphysically He is the I AM in man, the self, the directive power, raised to divine understanding and power–the I AM identity.

As the result of lack of conscious connection between the thinking faculty and the fountainhead of existence, humanity had reached a very low state. Then came Jesus of Nazareth, whose mission was to connect the thinker with the true source of thought. Thinking at random had brought man into a deplorable condition, and his salvation depended on his again joining his consciousness to the Christ. Only through that connection could he be brought back into his Edenic state–the church of God.

It is plain to any reasonable, unprejudiced mind that Jesus of Nazareth was a religious reformer with a mission from on high, that He had an insight into those things which are ever mysteries to men immersed in the sense consciousness, and that through His knowledge, and in harmony with His mission, He set into motion spiritual ideas that ever since His ministry have been operative in the world. It is evident to even a cursory reader of His life and teachings that He was the representative of a thoroughly organized plan to help men into a higher realization of God and their relation to Him.

Jesus was keenly conscious of the character of God and His own relationship to Him. He knew God as unlimited love and as ever-present, abundant life; He knew Him as wisdom and supply. He knew God as Father, who is ever ready and willing to supply every need of the human heart. He knew that as Son of God He had access to every blessing, to all the wisdom, love, and help of the Father-Mind. Jesus did not simply believe that the words He spoke were true, He knew that they were true. His words were pregnant with meaning; they were vital, living words, which carried conviction and which produced immediate results.

Jesus is the Way-Shower. He came that we might have life more abundantly; that is, He came to awaken man to the possibilities of his own nature. “As he is . . . so are we in this world (I John 4:17). He came to bear witness to Truth. He used the one true way to the realization of eternal life and the universal consciousness, therefore His influence on the race cannot be measured. It is infinite and eternal.

Jesus, crucifixion of–The Jews were under the dominion of an earth-minded priesthood. They were in a state of ignorance as regards spiritual things and did no thinking for themselves. Hence, they could not recognize or comprehend the things of which Jesus spoke to them. They were looking for a temporal king who would restore to them, by war and conquest, the earthly glory of Solomon. When Jesus tried to teach them of Spirit, of a spiritual idea, the Christ within themselves, “the hope of glory,” (Col. 1:27) that would free them from every bondage of mind, body, and environment, they crucified Him.

Jesus Christ–Christ is the perfect idea of God for man. Jesus is the perfect expression of the divine idea Man. Jesus Christ is a union of the two, the idea and the expression, or in other words, He is the perfect man demonstrated.

Jesus’ prayers were answered because He always dwelt in the consciousness of perfect harmony with the Father. When we ask in His name, it is with an earnest desire for that consciousness which Jesus possessed. The Christ within each of us is ever seeking perfect expression, and it should be our earnest effort to have our mind and heart clear and open channels in order that He may more perfectly work through us. When we ask in the name of Christ Jesus we ask in the consciousness that in reality we are perfect children of the Father. This harmonious relationship between God and man is attained by prayer and meditation and by constantly affirming God’s presence and power. If we would have God manifest through us, we must endeavor to raise our thoughts and feelings to the standard of God.

Jew–Broadly speaking, a Hebrew. Metaphysically, a thought springing from and belonging to the praise and inner-life consciousness of the individual.

Jewess–The soul or feminine aspect of that in consciousness for which a Jew stands.

jewels–“Jewels of silver, and jewels of gold” (Exod. 12:35) represent wisdom and love in the external sense, which are to be asked for or demanded by the Children of Israel. This means that we are to affirm that all wisdom and all love, even in their most external manifestations, are spiritual. This puts Spirit in control both within and without.

John the Baptist–Represents the natural man, the physical man. His face is turned toward the light in the measure that he recognizes and pays homage to the higher self within the individual. The intellectual perception of Truth by the natural man (John the Baptist) is not the true light (the Christ) but bears witness to the light and prepares the way for its dawning in consciousness.

joy–The happiness of God expressed through His perfect idea–man. Joy and gladness are strength-giving, especially if the mind is fixed on the things of Spirit. Affirm: “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

Judas–Represents the ego that has possession of the sex, or life, center in the organism and is using it for its own selfish ends. Judas was a “thief.” The selfish use of the life and vitality of the organism for the gratification of sense pleasure robs the higher nature, and the spiritual man is not built up. This is the betrayal of Christ.

judgment–Mental act of evaluation through comparison or contrast. Spiritual discernment; the inner voice through whose expression we come into a larger realization of ourselves.

Judgment is a faculty of the mind that can be exercised in two ways–from sense perception or spiritual understanding. If its action be based on sense perception its conclusions are fallible and often condemnatory; if based on spiritual understanding, they are safe.

judgment, day of–That period in man’s development when the law of justice and righteousness begins to be felt in his consciousness, and he finds himself in the midst of experiences where he must learn the law and conform to it.

The great judgment day of Scripture indicates a time of separation between the true and the false. There is no warrant for the belief that God sends man to everlasting punishment. Modern interpreters of the Bible say that the “hell of fire” (Matt. 5:22) referred to by Jesus means simply a time in which purification is taking place.

judgment seat–The “judgment-seat” (Rom. 14:10) is within man. A judging, or discerning between the true and the false, is going on daily in us as overcomers; we are daily reaping the results of our thoughts and our deeds.

justice–When judgment is divorced from love, and works from the head alone, there goes forth the human cry for justice. In his mere human judgment man is hard and heartless; he deals out punishment without consideration of motive or cause, and justice goes awry. When justice and love meet at the heart center, there are balance, poise, and righteousness.

There is an infinite law of justice that may be called into activity. When we call our inner forces into action, the universal law begins its great work in us, and all the laws both great and small fall into line and work for us. The true way to establish justice is by appealing directly to the divine law.

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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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