K – The Revealing Word Metaphysical Dictionary


Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms

karma–“The whole ethical consequence of one’s acts considered as fixing one’s lot in the future existence” (Webster). The accumulated effects of the sins of past lives; the burden that those who believe in karma expect to carry for ages, or until they work out of it. They are weary treadmill travelers from birth to death, and from death to birth. There is no such hopeless note in the teachings of Jesus. He came to bring a full consciousness of abundant life, complete forgiveness, redemption from all sin, and victory over death and the grave, thus delivering man from any occasion for re-embodiment and from all bondage to karma.

“keep my word”–(John 8:51). Treasure the words of Jesus as a saving balm in time of need.

“keys of the kingdom of heaven”–(Matt. 16:19). Affirmation and denial. (see affirmation; denial)

king (righteous)–The executive faculty in every man whose life is guided, governed, and directed by Spirit.

“king of the Jews, this is the”–(Luke 23:38). This means that the word of the I AM goes forth as a ruling suggestion in the spiritual and intellectual. In the physical is goes forth in the individual consciousness, but the doing away with the limitations of mortal mind pulls down all walls of partition, and the whole man accepts the word of Truth.

kingdom of God–The Christ consciousness, kingdom of heaven.

kingdom of heaven–The kingdom of heaven is the realm of divine ideas, producing their expression, perfect harmony. It is within man.

kingdom within–That realm in man’s consciousness where he knows and understands God.

knowing–There is in man a knowing capacity transcending intellectual knowledge. Nearly everyone has at some time touched this hidden wisdom and has been more or less astonished at its revelations. The knowing that man receives from the direct fusion of the Mind of God with his mind is real spiritual knowing.

knowledge–“Acquaintance with fact; hence, scope of information” (Webster). Intellectual knowledge is independent of feeling; it is literal knowledge without consideration of the Spirit. Man can store up a great fund of knowledge gleaned from books and teachers, but the most unlettered man who sits at the feet of his Lord in the silence comes forth radiant with the true knowledge, that of Spirit.

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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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