M – The Revealing Word Metaphysical Dictionary


Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms

magnify the Lord–The mind possesses magnifying power, which it exercises habitually, either consciously or unconsciously. This power makes the mind the fertile side of man’s nature, out of which spring “the issues of life.” We magnify the Lord by anticipation, by expecting, by declaring that only the good is true, by steadfastly declaring that every blessing is ours now.

malefactors, crucified with Jesus–Represent duality–belief in good and evil, past and future–comprising all the thought consciousness of opposites that has been built up since man began to eat, or enter into the conscious knowledge of “good and evil” (Gen. 2:17).

mammon–Treasure; wealth; the material or worldly thought and belief regarding riches, possessions, and wealth, compared with the true inner riches of the mind, which are the understanding and the realization of the spiritual substance, life, and intelligence that lie back of every outer manifestation.

man–An idea in Divine Mind; the epitome of being. The apex of God’s creation, created in His image and likeness.

Man appears unlike God because he, through disobedience, fell into sin. Through accepting race thoughts, man has adopted wrong ideas about himself and his relation to his Source. He has believed that he is unlike God and separate from Him, and these concepts have, by the law of thought, become manifest.

Ideal man is the perfect man, the Christ, the offspring of Divine Mind. Manifest man should be as perfect as the ideal, and he will be when the individual identifies himself with the Christ. When he is identified with anything less than perfection he manifests some degree of imperfection.

Man makes his world through the activity of ideas in his consciousness–ideas of wisdom, power, intelligence. The real man is the embodiment of God, and all the God-substance and the power to make it active is inherent within him.

When we are quickened to spiritual understanding and fully realize the true character of God and our own nature as the image, or idea, of God we will begin to live as Jesus lived in order that we may bring forth the likeness. To perceive the true character of God and His attributes and then to grasp our relationship to Him is to realize that His attributes are our attributes, His power is our power; His character is our character.

man, age of–Man is not limited in life. He has existed with the Father always. At the very beginning of creation he was born into being through the Son, the Christ, the perfect, ideal man whom God made in His image and likeness.

“Jesus said . . . Before Abraham was born, I am” (John 8:58).

man, duality of–Man is a duality in seeming only. He is a unit when he knows himself. His ignorance of himself and his relation to God is the cause of the seeming duality. When wisdom comes to him and he makes wisdom his own, there is no longer war between the ideal man in God and the becoming man in the Lord God.

man, fall of–The result that follows man’s failure to recognize his divinity. By his error he falls into a state of consciousness where he is bound in limitation and error. He falls short of his divine possibilities.

man idea–Before there could be a man there must have been an idea of man. God, the Father, Divine Mind, had an idea of man, and this idea is his Son, the perfect man idea, the offspring of God-Mind. This Son is the Christ, the only begotten of the Father. The Son, being the express image and likeness of the Father, is perfect, even as the Father which is in heaven is perfect. All that we find in Divine Mind we find in its offspring, “who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” (Col. 1:15). “In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9).

man, illumined intellectual–John the Baptist represents the illumined intellectual man who perceives with spiritual vision the unfoldment of this natural, intellectual man into the Christ man.

man, mortal–An error concept or expression of man, a misunderstanding of his true nature that results in an untrue expression of God-given powers and ends in death.

man, new–(Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10). The “new man” is born of a divine idea through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. This idea is that man is a spiritual being; he is a “holy thing.”

man of sin–The “man of sin” is the carnal mind in each individual, and it always opposes and misrepresents the Truth; sometimes it poses as an angel of light and Truth. Everyone who overcomes this inner adversary will be saved from all deception that may be practiced by anybody or anything that claims the place of the Lord Jesus Christ.

man, sense–The earth man, who lives through his senses. He gathers his information and makes his judgments from evidence gathered by the senses. He seeks his pleasure through the satisfaction of his sense appetites. He is the false man, the antichrist man.

man, Son of–Unregenerate man; personality, the name of the personal consciousness. The spiritual man is God’s Son; the personal man is man’s son.

man, spiritual–The sum total of the attributes or perfect idea of Being, identified and individualized. This man is the “only begotten Son” (John 3:16) of God.

Jehovah, or “I AM THAT I AM” (Exod. 3:14), is the name of this divine man. He was manifested as the higher self of Jesus. In the New Testament He is called the Christ. Jesus named Him the “Father in me” (John 14: 10). He called Him Father more than forty times.

man, ungodly–The ungodly man is unlike God; he seeks to accumulate material riches, to gain worldly knowledge or fame. He does not know God as the prosperity of himself and all others. “But the way of the wicked [ungodly] shall perish” (Psalms 1:6).

manna–The bread of life; the Word of God. Represents the realization that the divine substance is everywhere present, in every part of the consciousness.

manger–Represents the animal life of the body in which the new life is first manifested.

manifestation–The materialization of a Truth idea; the coming forth into visibility of that which has been affirmed; the appearance of an idea.

mansions, many–(John 14:2). Degrees of realization of the Truth of Being. The “place” that Jesus prepared is a definite state of realization of Truth into which may come all who take up the same denials and affirmations that He took up.

mantle of Elijah–Represents the reflected power that falls on us and becomes the abiding part of our consciousness, after we have declared the Truth in the highest until it makes visible the mental currents (“chariots”) and vital powers (“horsemen”) of Being (II Kings 2:12).

mark on Cain–The mark set on Cain to keep him from being slain was the consciousness of his divine origin. No matter how deep in transgressions the body may be, it still bears the stamp of God.

marriage, spiritual–Spiritually, marriage represents the union of two dominant states of consciousness. When we open the door of the mind by consciously affirming the presence and power of the divine I AM in our midst, there is a marriage or union of the higher forces in being with the lower and we find that we are quickened in every part; the life of the I AM has been poured out for us.

masters–Certain persons who call themselves “masters” claim that they have forged ahead of the race in their understanding and use of some of the powers of mind and have in personal egotism set up kingdoms and put themselves on thrones. These so-called “masters” and members of occult brotherhoods are attracting susceptible minds away from the straight and narrow path and leading them to believe that there is a short cut into the kingdom. Jesus described the situation forcibly and clearly in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”

mastery and dominion–We demonstrate mastery and dominion by persistently thinking thoughts of power and strength in the absolute principle of Truth, and through the I AM establishing them in our own consciousness.

materiality–The concept that the material universe is real, that the three-dimension world really exists. The truth is that the material world is a limitation of the four-dimension world; it has no permanent existence and will come to an end. This is attested to by both religion and science.

matter–Man’s limited concept of divine substance that he has “formed” in consciousness; a thought of substance as dense, solid, weighty, and separate from the spiritual life that underlies it. When man is quickened of the Spirit he knows Spirit to be all, in all, and he gives all thought to this reality.

matter, rule of–That state of man where material ideas and standards are the established rule of his life and actions.

meat eating–Meat eating stimulates the sense man and interferes with the development of spiritual power. For many reasons it is better to abstain from a meat diet.

First, because of the command, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exod. 20:13). Injustice and cruelty react on the one who practices them, whether he himself kills or partakes of that which has been killed for him by others. Meat eating requires the spilling of blood, which destroys Truth in consciousness. Destructive ideas are introduced into the stomach, producing doubts and fears and physical inharmonies. The love of God should be expressed toward all animals.

meditation–Continuous and contemplative thought; to dwell mentally on anything; realizing the reality of the Absolute; a steady effort of the mind to know God; man’s spiritual approach to God.

The purpose of meditation is to expand the consciousness Christward; to bring into realization divine Truth; to be transformed in spirit, soul, and body by the renewing of the mind.

meek, the–Anyone highly trained to react to all negative stimuli with love instead of with “an eye for an eye.” “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5).

men of Israel–The religious thoughts and aspirations of man, which give him access to resurrection life through faith in the Christ.

men of valor, mighty–Strong, courageous, conquering thoughts expressed by man, inspired by the establishment of praise (Judah) and faith (Benjamin) in consciousness.

mental assimilation–The mind assimilates what it affirms.

mental atmosphere–Surrounding or prevailing mental influence. Your mental attitude, thoughts, and words are creative or destructive influences in your world.

mental discipline–The practice of the daily training of the mind through denials of error and affirmations of Truth.

mental premise–A basic mental premise is an original proposition of Truth that serves as the ground for affirmation, such as, “All is good.”

mentality, adverse–The mortal mind with its beliefs and thoughts opposed to the perfect Mind of Christ is the adverse mentality. All sin, suffering, disease, and death are the work of the adverse mentality.

merchant–One who is seeking the “jewel” of spiritual good, through exchange of thought, discussion, and argument. In order to attain the inner pearl, the unadulterated Truth, man must give up the so-called values and realize his oneness with the Christ within.

mercy–Christlike treatment toward the suffering. The important point in desiring to be merciful is righteous adjustment, as this results in true overcoming.

messenger–An intellectual perception of Truth that cleanses the mind and heart and leads to the coming or conscious presence of the indwelling Spirit of truth, the Christ.

messengers of God–Spiritual thoughts that always bring messages of light and point the way to a harmonious co-operation between the indwelling love of the heart and the understanding of the head.

Messiah–The promise of the visible manifestation of the Christ. Christ is the fulfillment in man of this promise.

metaphysician–One skilled in the science of Being; a student and teacher of the laws of Spirit.

metaphysics–The systematic study of the science of Being; that which transcends the physical. By pure metaphysics is meant a clear understanding of the realm of ideas and their legitimate expression.

microbes, how formed–Microbes or germs are formed by the power of thought. Thoughts become entities and have identity according to the character of the thought in the mind of the thinker. Error thoughts make disease microbes. Positive thoughts form intelligent body-builders.

middle wall of partition–The division between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, caused by man’s lack of understanding of his true I AM nature. This partition is broken down by the realization and manifestation of the one Divine Mind.

midnight–The darkened negative state of consciousness.

millennium–Man has for untold ages looked forward to a millennium day. That day will always be in the future until we let go of our thought of a future. The millennium day is now. It is established today–this very hour.

millstone–A seeming hindrance of an earthly nature; a heavy burden.

Mind–By the term Mind, we mean God–the universal Principle, which includes all principles.

As an aid in understanding how the universal Mind creates, we can observe the action of our own mind because we are the offspring of the one Mind and we bring forth in like manner. “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father doing: for what things so-ever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like manner” (John 5:19).

Man in the consciousness of the one Mind has no sense of apartness. Through affirmation he can attune himself to Being, transmute his thoughts into ideas, and accomplish the seemingly impossible.

mind–The starting point of every act and thought and feeling; the common meeting ground of God and man. God is mind, and we cannot describe God with human language, so we cannot describe mind. We can only say: I am mind; I know. God is mind; He knows.

The mind is the seat of perception of the things we see, hear, and feel. It is through the mind that we see the beauties of the earth and sky, of music, of art, in fact, of everything. That silent shuttle of thought working in and out through cell and nerve weaves into one harmonious whole the myriad moods of mind, and we call it life. mind, affirmative state of–A binding, holding process. If man affirms his unity with the life, substance, and intelligence of God, he lays hold of these spiritual qualities.

mind, carnal–Misuse of mind powers, arising from ignorance of the relationship between God and man. A state of consciousness formed about a false ego or false concept of man. All the “works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19) are the product of carnal mind.

mind, change of–A change of mind is the very first requisite of the new life in Christ. We go into this new and higher state of consciousness as we would go into another country. The kingdom of heaven is right here in our midst and will become tangible reality to us when we have developed the faculties necessary to comprehend it.

mind, fixed state of–A combination of thoughts in consciousness that is hard to change; ideas that have crystallized.

mind, mortal–Error consciousness in unregenerate man, or man composed of ungodlike thoughts. It is the opposite of the Christ Mind, which is the perfect Mind of God in man. Mortal mind gathers its information through the senses. It judges by appearances, which are often false judgments. Man must renounce this false state of mind if he is to be one with God. Mortal mind breeds sin, poverty, sickness, and death.

mind of the flesh–(Rom. 8:7) Mixed thoughts, selfishness, fear, and the like. These thoughts are what we find in persons of Gentile consciousness, and in the regeneration they must be eliminated.

mind, subconscious–The sum of all man’s past thinking; also his memory. The subconscious mind sometimes acts as though separate from the conscious mind: for instance, in dreams. The subconscious mind has no power to do original thinking. It can act only upon what is given to it through the conscious or the superconscious mind.

mind, three phases of–Conscious mind, subconscious mind, and superconscious mind, called the Lord. The superconscious mind transcends both the conscious and subconscious phases of mind. The harmonious working together of these three seemingly separate minds is necessary to the bringing forth of the latent possibilities of man.

miracle–“An event or effect in the physical world beyond or out of the ordinary course of things, deviating from the known laws of nature, or transcending our knowledge of these laws” (Webster). In reality miracles are events that take place as a result of the operation of a higher, unknown law. All true action is governed by law. Nothing just happens. All happenings are the result of cause and can be explained under the law of cause and effect.

Mighty things have been wrought in the past by those who had mere blind faith to guide them. To faith we now add understanding of the law, and our achievements will be a fulfillment of the promise of Jesus, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do” (John 14:12).

mist–Lack of clear understanding between the earth consciousness and the spiritual Mind.

money–A medium of exchange and a measurement of value. The materialization of spiritual substance. The symbol of the idea of prosperity.

Money is a symbol that represents values in goods, land, or service. Substance in the form of money is given to us for constructive uses. The money idea is good and draws to us good when we are functioning in divine order.

Love of money is the root of much evil. Man should love the source of all money, God.

money changers–Dishonest thoughts of materialism and greed. The consciousness must be cleansed of these if the body temple is to be kept pure and holy.

moon–Represents personal intelligence; the intellect.

Its light is supplied by the sun, symbol of spiritual light.

mortal beliefs–Beliefs in sickness, sin, poverty, trouble, accident, and death, which are prevalent in the race mind.

mortal consciousness–Consciousness of self as separate from God. This is a false consciousness. Consciousness must harmonize with God-Mind to be free from thoughts of poverty, sin, sickness, and death.

mortal ego–Identification of the I AM with the whole array of false race and individual mental patterns.

mortal plane–That realm of ideas conceived in mortal, or material consciousness.

mortal words–Words spoken by the intellectual man. They are empty because they lack the life and substance necessary to impart spiritual life and nourishment to the mind.

motherhood, divine–The brooding, nourishing element of Divine Mind, or God, in which spiritual ideals are brought to fruition.

mountain–A mountain represents an exalted state of mind where the divine plan may be perceived and unfolded; a state of spiritual realization.

The “high mountain” to which personality carries us in our spiritual uplift is the consciousness of power over mortal thought in all its earthly avenues of expression. Going up into the mountain to pray means elevating our thoughts and our aspirations to the spiritual viewpoint.

mule–Represents human will. When it is ridden and is obedient, it infers subjection of that faculty to the established order.

multitude–The “great multitude” of John 6:5 is composed of our own hungry thoughts. They want an influx of the Truth of Spirit into consciousness. “Man doth not live by bread only, but by everything that proceedeth out of the mouth of Jehovah doth man live” (Deut. 8:3).

mustard seed–The mustard seed comparison shows the capacity of the apparently small thought of Truth to develop in consciousness until it becomes the abiding place of a higher range of thoughts (birds of the air).

myrrh–An aromatic gum resin; a slightly pungent perfume, used for incense. Metaphysically myrrh represents the eternity of Spirit, an emblem of the Resurrection, an ointment of love.

mystic–One who has intimate, firsthand acquaintance with God; a man of prayer. Jesus was the greatest mystic of all ages.

mysticism–The practice of the presence of God; the life of prayer that results in intuitive knowledge and experience of God.

The Bible contains more high mysticism than all other books. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. It is necessary to call on one’s own spiritual light to enter into the deep mysticism of the Bible.

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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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