Q – The Revealing Word Metaphysical Dictionary


Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms

quality, spiritual–That which is characteristic of one’s spiritual nature. High spiritual qualities are established in man’s body consciousness through prayer and profound spiritual aspiration.

quickening, spiritual–An inflow of divine vitality into the body, which follows the affirmation of Truth. To quicken is to make alive. The quickening of the Spirit in the mortal body makes it eternal and incorruptible, not subject to death and corruption.

Spiritual quickening is a waking up of the whole man to the full consciousness of what he is in the sight of God. The sense man is only half-awake, going about in a dream and thinking it is real life. The word of God is quick, and when it enters into a man he stands upright on his feet, his divine understanding, and he knows and sees himself as he is. He is wide awake, alert, quick, and powerful.

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised up Christ Jesus from the dead shall give life also to your mortal bodies through his Spirit that dwelleth in you” (Rom. 8:11).
quietness–When the mind is stilled, when all the clamor of the external world is silenced, one experiences the quietness of God. “In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15).

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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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