Charles Fillmore
The Revealing Word
A Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms
tabernacle–Represents the temporal body of man, as the Temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem represents the permanent body. In the wilderness of sense, man worships God in a tent, or a temporary, transitory state of mind, which makes a perishable body. Yet in this flimsy structure are all the furnishings of the great temple that is to be built. So the body of every man is the promise of an imperishable one.
tables of stone–Represent the very foundation of our being, on which are engraved the memories of all our religious experiences.
talents (Matt. 25:14-30)–Symbolize our spiritual gifts of life, love, truth, substance, intelligence, faith, power, judgment, and will. Every inherent attribute of man’s being has its root in God. All the gifts of Spirit are to be used to our fullest capacity.
teacher–Jesus appointed but one teacher in His school: the Spirit of truth, the Comforter in every man. “But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to you remembrance all that I said unto you” (John 14:25).
telepathy–Thought transference; exchange of thought between persons without visible means of transmission. This is a limited concept of omnipresent knowing. When one becomes spiritually developed he does not send his thought to another, but realizes omnipresent knowing, and the ideas he wishes to communicate are received and understood.
Temple, Solomon’s–Metaphysically, a symbol of the regenerated body of man, which when he attains it he will never leave. This enduring temple is built in the understanding of Spirit as the one and only cause of all things.
temptation–A proving, testing, or trying. The temptations in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11) represent the desires and ambitions of the untried and untrained forces in the subconsciousness. When in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the Adversary, or personality; but with His superior understanding, He withstood the deceptive promises made to Him. When the personality suggested that Jesus make matter out of substance, use His power to rule over others, or do other marvelous things to prove His mastery, He said to the satanic personality, “Get thee hence, Satan.”
That the temptations in the wilderness were not physical is quite evident, because there was no mountain from which all the kingdoms of the earth could be seen, nor was there a temple in the wilderness to which the Adversary could have taken Jesus. All these, and many more, including the royal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem riding on an ass, are allegorical representations of the way in which certain states of mind are handled by the initiate.
tents–The flesh bodies of man that he puts on and off again and again. (see tabernacle)
thanksgiving–Rendering our grateful thoughts to God for His manifold blessings. “Surely goodness and loving-kindness shall follow me all the days of my life” (Psalms 23:6). We give thanks that this is Truth.
Thanksgiving will keep the heart fresh; for true thanksgiving may be likened to rain falling upon ready soil, refreshing it and increasing its productiveness.
therapy–That phase of metaphysics which treats of divine healing. We are all interested in the soul and how to save it. Those who follow Jesus go one step farther in soul therapy than the average psychoanalyst; they incorporate Spirit with soul and make it the primal source and sustainer of both soul and body. “It is the spirit that giveth life” (John 6:63).
things–Thoughts lowered in vibration to the level of sense perception. The things that appear are the formulations of man’s ideas of himself and God. Back of everything is a thought. Still the senses and you will perceive the thought behind the things.
thinking–The formulating process of mind. It is a faculty of the ego, the omnipotent I AM of each one of us. The thinking faculty is the inlet and the outlet of all your ideas. It is active, zealous, impulsive, but not always wise. Its nature is to think, and think it will. If you are ignorant of your office–a prince in the house of David–and stand meekly by and let it think unsifted thoughts, your thinking faculty will prove an unruly servant. Its food is ideas–symbolized in the Gospels as fishes–and it is forever casting its net on the right, on the left, for a draught. You alone can direct where its net shall be cast. You are the one who says, “Cast the net on the right side” (John 21:6).
The thinking faculty in you makes you a free agent, because it is your creative center; in and through this one power you establish your consciousness–you build your world. Through the volition of this faculty, you can refuse to receive ideas from Christ, you can cut yourself away from the realm of original Truth, or from the illusionary universe in which you are forever unraveling tangled ends and chasing shadows. Thus we see clearly that this faculty is the rock, the foundation upon which the consciousness must be built.
Be no longer a slave to the thinking faculty; command it to be still and know. Stand at the center of your being and say “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). “I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:29). “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18). “There is no God else besides me” (Isa. 45:21).
thought–A product of thinking; a mental vibration or impulse. Each thought is an identity that has a central ego, around which all its elements revolve. Thoughts are capable of expressing themselves. Every thought clothes itself in a life form according to the character given it by the thinker. The form is simply the conclusion of the thought.
One of the axiomatic truths of metaphysics is that “thoughts are things.” That the mind of man marshals its faculties and literally makes into living entities the thoughts that it entertains is also a foregone conclusion. The word things expresses poorly the active and very vital character of the thoughts to which the mind gives life, substance, and intelligence. We see many inanimate “things” around us in the material world. If we compare our creative thoughts with them we get an inferior conception of the marvelous ability of our mind in its creative capacity.
Thought is controlled by the right use of affirmation and denial–by the power of the mind to accept and reject. This power of the mind is the I AM, and it is through the avenue of expression (I AM) that thought control, dominion, and mastery are obtained. Thoughts are controlled by the mind through its power to say “yes” or “no.” To “hold a thought” is to affirm or deny a certain proposition both mentally and audibly until the logic of the mind is satisfied and spiritual realization is attained.
thought atmosphere–The surrounding mental climate created by each person in accordance with the character of his thinking. Thoughts of negation build an antagonistic and discordant atmosphere. Thoughts of love and prosperity, of health and faith, create a harmonious mental atmosphere.
thought center–A collection or aggregation of ideas in the mind. Thoughts of one kind are attracted one to another, form in consciousness, group themselves in the body, and build organs through which they manifest. For example, love manifests through the heart.
thought, colony of–Like attracts like. A thought will take up its abode in our consciousness with thoughts of like character. This law of attraction continues until combined thoughts make a colony. This colony of thoughts expresses itself in the cells of the body–for good or ill.
thought power–The moving force within an idea that gives it expression. All structures are built by thought power. This power is transmitted from mind to mind and from mind to body in all living forms.
thought-stuff–The omnipresent, invisible substance ever ready to take form in accordance with one’s mental pattern. The thought-stuff of the universe is more sensitive than a phonographic record; it transcribes not only all sounds, but even the slightest vibration of thought.
thought vibrations–Energies sent out by the force and power of thought. All who are in like planes of consciousness with the thinker of the thought receive these thought energies. In this way telepathic messages are sent and received. When one sends thoughts in personal consciousness, the process is laborious and dangerous. There is a law of Spirit that equalizes all forces generated by the mind. This law is in the keeping of divine Principle, and there is neither success nor safety in using thought energies without its guiding wisdom.
time–The limitation of man’s consciousness of space. A day is a measure of time in the realm of effects. A sidereal day is that period in which the earth rotates once on its axis. Man divided that period into seconds, minutes, hours, and thus invented time.
Time is the measure that man gives to passing events. The only power in time is what man imparts to it. When man gets into the understanding of the Absolute, he takes his freedom from all bondage of time and declares that time shall no more enter into the substance of his mind or body or affairs.
tithe–A tenth part. In the Old Testament the tithe or tenth is mentioned as a reasonable and just return to the Lord by way of acknowledging Him as the source of supply.
tithing–Giving a tenth of one’s supply to God and His work. Tithing is a tacit agreement that man is in partnership with God in the conduct of his finances. This leads to confidence and assurance that whatever is done will bring increase of some kind. “Give, and it shall be given unto you” (Luke 6:38).
Tithing, which is based on a law that cannot fail, establishes method in giving. It brings into the consciousness a sense of divine order that is manifested in one’s outer life and affairs as increased efficiency and greater prosperity. It is the surest way ever found to demonstrate plenty, for it is God’s own law and way of giving. “Freely ye received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8).
tolerance–Forbearance; allowing to be done without hindering. Tolerance is passive, and good as far as it goes. Love is active good will. Love takes the initiative in doing and thinking good, and is far superior to tolerance.
tomb of Joseph of Arimathea–A tomb is a resting place; Arimathea represents an aggregation of thoughts of lofty character, a high state of consciousness in man; Joseph represents a state of consciousness in which we are improving spiritually.
The tomb where Jesus was laid to rest represents an elevated, peaceful state of consciousness in which He rested the three days previous to His resurrection. The word of Truth within Jesus did not die, but was quietly spreading from point to point during this period, getting ready for the supreme test: the overcoming of the appearance of death. For us, the tomb represents a high state of consciousness in us in which we improve in character along all lines. We not only grow into a broader understanding but also we increase in vitality and substance. We are resting in God, and at the same time gathering strength for the power of greater demonstrations to follow. In this state of consciousness the word of Truth is not idle, but quietly spreading. This process continues until the whole consciousness is vitalized by the Holy Spirit.
tongues, speaking with–Symbolizes increased ability to express Truth clearly and freely.
traits, inherited–Belief in the authority of our forefathers to determine our physical and mental characteristics. A form of error thinking. “Call no man your father on the earth” (Matt. 23:9).
transcendent God–God above or beyond His universe, apart from it. God is more than His universe; He is prior to and is exalted above it, but at once He is in His universe as the very essence of it. God is both transcendent and immanent.
transfiguration–Supernatural change of appearance that takes place as one experiences the full flow of divine power through his being. A lifting up of the soul that electrifies the body, causing it to shine. An example held before every follower of the Christ, of the glory it is possible to experience through habitual uplift of life and thought.
transgression of the law–Thinking thoughts that violate the principle of mental harmony inherent in Being.
transmutation–Change in character, from one phase to another. The lifting up of mind and body, from material aspect to spiritual character.
According to modern science this whole universe of forms can be dissolved into energy, from which it may again be formed. Science does not say that the directive and formative power is man, but the Bible so teaches and especially Jesus. Jesus said that all authority was given to Him in heaven and on earth. He manifested His power in a small way by multiplying a few loaves and fishes to feed more than five thousand persons. In various other instances He demonstrated that He had an understanding of the transmutation of substance. He raised His flesh body to an energy level far higher in potential life and substance than any reached before.
transubstantiation–The doctrine that the consecration by the minister of bread and wine changes the material elements to Christ elements, without affecting their appearance. At the Last Supper Jesus taught that the bread and wine which He consecrated were His body and His blood, and He told His followers to partake of them in remembrance of Him. He did not say that these elements were symbols of His blood and body, but that they were essentially the same substance and life as His body. This also has been the teaching of the church, as interpreted by the Council of Trent: “Under each species and under each particle of each species Christ is contained whole and entire.”
This doctrine has been attacked both within and without the church, the majority of ministers and laymen accepting it on faith as in some way related to the miraculous. But the discoveries of the elemental character of matter by modern science are revealing the universal unity of substance and the possibility of its transformation from one thing to another by changing the number of arrangement of the electrons in the atom.
treatment–Spiritual realization of God’s Truth for oneself or another. Spiritual process, or prayer, by which man receives the healing power of God.
A treatment is a prayer of faith and understanding for healing, harmony, wisdom, prosperity, or any other good that man may desire. Its object is to raise the consciousness of the one being treated to a high spiritual consciousness through which healing is accomplished.
trees–Represent nerves, and nerves are expressions of thoughts of unity. They connect thought centers. The trees growing on both sides of the river represent the nerves radiating from the vital flow on each side of the spinal column, and connecting and unifying the whole organism.
From the center of our being there spreads into every department of mind and body, the life-giving, everbearing tree of the Spirit of God. Its fruits are intelligence to the mind, substance to the body, and life to the entire being.
tree, oak–An oak tree in itself stands for something very strong and protective; but in Hebrew it has a deeper significance than this. The word comes from the root from which is derived the word Elohim; so we are reminded of the truth that those who trust God as their defense, as their refuge, their fortress, and dwell “in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty,” and shall not only be kept from all evil and its results, but shall continue to grow and unfold in understanding, in spirituality, and in every good.
“tree of life” (Gen. 2:9).–The eternal, omnipresent life of God that is within man. The tree of life “in the midst of the garden” is the innate, indwelling idea of immortal life, and the fruit of that tree is the consciousness of eternal life in the body.
The “tree of life” (figuratively in the midst of the garden) manifests in the body as a reserve force. The brain is the center, the solar plexus is the subcenter, and there are innumerable minor centers throughout the organism, the spinal cord, and nervous system. A conservation of the life and substance of the organism is necessary to its spiritualization and redemption.
“tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Gen. 2:9)–Indicates a dual state of consciousness, a belief in both good and error, which eventually drives man out of the garden (his body temple).
tree, olive–Growing both under and above water, represents the restoration of unity between the material and spiritual, or God and man.
trinity–The religious terms for the trinity are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The metaphysical terms are mind, idea, and expression.
Father is the source, origin, essence, root, creator of all. Son is that which proceeds from, is begotten of the Father, like Him in nature, and essentially all that the Father is. Holy Spirit is God’s word in movement: the working, moving, breathing, brooding of Spirit, made known to men through revelation, inspiration, and guidance. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter who will bring all things to their remembrance.
The doctrine of the trinity is often a stumbling block, because we find it difficult to understand how three persons can be one. Three persons cannot be one, and theology will always be a mystery until theologians become metaphysicians.
God is the name of the all-encompassing Mind. Christ is the name of the all-loving Mind. Holy Spirit is the all-active manifestation. These three are one fundamental Mind in its three creative aspects.
trouble–Calamity, difficulty, disaster; the sure result of wrong thinking. All economic, social, and personal trouble can be traced back to selfishness of the sense man. When spiritual man takes control of mind substance, all trouble of every kind dissolves into thin air.
trumpets and cymbals (Ezra 3: 10)–The trumpets and cymbals in the hands of the priests and Levites are the thrills and waves of harmonious energy. They go to every part of our mind and our body when we rejoice in Spirit, when our heart is filled with gratitude, and we express ourselves in thanksgiving to the Author of our being.
Truth–The Absolute; that which accords with God as divine principle; that which is, has been, and ever will be; that which eternally is. The Truth of God is reality: “the same yesterday and to-day, yea and for ever.” The verities of being are eternal and have always existed. Truth abides in fullness at the very core of man’s being. As his consciousness (awareness) expands, he touches the everlasting Truth. What seems new is but the unveiling of that which always has been.
The basic principle of Truth is that the mind of each individual may be consciously unified with Divine Mind through the indwelling Christ. By affirming at-one-ment with God-Mind, we eventually realize that perfect mind which was in Christ Jesus.
Truth, road of–The straight and narrow path along which Spirit directs, and which proves so smooth and safe that one refuses to allow oneself to be misled by habit into trusting sense perception.
Truth, source of–God is a special, personal Father to all His children, and from no other source can they get absolute Truth.
truth, Spirit of–God’s thought projecting into our mind ideas that will build spiritual consciousness like that of Jesus. The Spirit of truth watches every detail of our life. When we ask and by affirmation proclaim its presence, it brings new life into both mind and body and moves us to observe spiritual and physical laws that restore health.
twelve–Metaphysically, twelve always refers to spiritual fulfillment. “And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob . . . And with the stones he built an altar in the name of Jehovah” (I Kings 18:31, 32). The twelve stones represent the twelve most important nerve centers in the body. All material things represent spiritual realities.
Before we can realize unfettered power we must establish permanent resolutions of purity and covenants of conformity with the higher law of obedience. Elijah repaired the altar of Jehovah that had been thrown down. Obedience seems a simple matter, but the twelve fundamental faculties enter into its perfect expression. Elijah took twelve stones and fitted them together to form the altar, each stone representing one of the sons of Jacob, who won the name Israel in recognition of his perseverance toward perfection.
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The Revealing Word, A Metaphysical Dictionary by Charles Fillmore
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