Lesson 9
Nona L. Brooks
Short Lessons in Divine Science
© 1940 by Nona Brooks
Divine Science Federation International
Denver, 6th ed., 1973
Purpose: To show that health is natural; that it is the birthright of every person.
[41] Health is natural; disease is abnormal.
When we come to know Ourselves, we shall live in such accord with the Laws of Being that our health will “spring forth speedily.”
To learn the truth of Life, we must go to the Basis–Omnipresence. From this standpoint each one of us has a right to say, “I am born of God; I am included in God; I am inseparable from God.” To know God aright is health, eternal health; for to know God aright is to know Self aright in God, of God, like God.
Man has never lost his Divine Nature; he is just discovering it.
To be endowed with Divine Nature is to be endowed with Divine Wholeness. Health therefore, is ours now. Since this is Truth, why are we ill? The question is easily answered. Through ignorance we have false concepts of life; we misinterpret, and live according to our misconceptions. These false views are in themselves inharmony, and conceal from us the great realities–Love, Peace, Joy, Health.
If we believe in many powers, some good, some evil, we fear the evil powers. This attitude of fear shapes all kinds of monsters in our thoughts. We tremble and cringe; slaves to our own imaginings. However, when we understand [42] the Truth of God’s Loving Presence and Infinite Power, our attitude changes; our thinking is illumined; the body is revealed to us as it really is, formed of Spirit-Substance, alive with Divine Life, cared for by Infinite Intelligence–perfect, harmonious, and free always. This realization is health.
Sometimes we perceive Truth and accept it fully, but we are so fixed in the old habit of thought, that realization of freedom does not come readily. How can this intellectual perception be changed to realization?
Realization is brought about by the steadfast practice of the Presence of God.
What is meant by practicing the Presence?
Suppose that I awaken in the morning with the dread of the day upon me. I lie for a moment hard pressed with the burden of work, monotony, or experience, that is ahead of me. Suddenly I remember my decision to practice the Presence. I think of this Presence as Love, the Love in which I live, move, and have my being; the Love that blesses me with strength and joy. I resolve to live by this, and rising quickly, I go joyfully to the day’s activities because I am certain of this loving care. I put aside doubt and read, and rejoice that I am given wisdom to meet every experience in strength. Or, perhaps, I have a tendency to despondency; then the word joy should be my practice for the day. I should repeat as I dress, and as I work, “Joy, joy, I am glad I am alive.” If I remain true to this joyous attitude in every kind of experience, at night I find that this day has been easy, not hard; bright, not gloomy.
[43] If I tend to irritability or quick temper, I must take love as my practice word, and be true to the thought of love until the old habit fades away. Or I may be thrown with those who hold the belief of illness; [if so, then] life, health, peace, would be helpful words. To these I speak silently, living words. “God’s perfect Life is there within you, around you. It is active now for your good. Trust this intelligent Life. It is doing its perfect work.” I must repeat this statement until the truth of it becomes apparent. I must refuse to see the opposite, the shadow side. I must stand true to Reality no matter what the appearance may be.
While I am training myself to live the Truth faithfully, I am growing daily in the Wisdom and Knowledge of God; I am practicing the Presence of health, and I am unfolding steadily into greater realization.
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Short Lessons in Divine Science
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