Debt Affirmations – Your Word is Your Wand – Florence Scovel Shinn


If a man is in debt or people owe him money, it shows that a belief of debt is in his subconscious mind.

This belief must be neutralized in order to change conditions.

For example: A woman came to me saying a man had owed her a thousand dollars for years which she could not compel him to pay.

I said: “You must work on yourself, not the man,” and gave her this statement: “I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, no man owes me anything, all is squared. I send that man love and forgiveness.”

In a few weeks she received a letter from him saying he intended sending the money and in about a month came the thousand dollars.

If the student owes money, change the statement: “There is no debt in Divine Mind, therefore, I owe no man anything, all is squared.

All my obligations are now wiped out, under grace in a perfect way.”


I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, therefore, I owe no man anything.

All obligations are now wiped out under grace in a miraculous way.


I deny debt, there is no debt in Divine Mind, no man owes me anything, all is squared. I send forth love and forgiveness.

Next: Sales

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Your Word is Your Wand
Free Online Affirmations Book
by Florence Scovel Shinn
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