Lesson 8 – Short Lessons in Divine Science – How Shall We Solve Our Problems?

Lesson 8

Nona L. Brooks
Short Lessons in Divine Science
© 1940 by Nona Brooks
Divine Science Federation International
Denver, 6th ed., 1973

Purpose: To show that problems are not our enemies but our friends; that they are our opportunities to demonstrate. Also to give the three Principles to be demonstrated in solving them.

[36] We are here to grow, and we grow by solving our problems. To solve a problem means to get the right answer. We are not to be resigned to hard conditions–our unsolved problems. We are to solve our problems; and they are to be solved with power. How shall we do this? First of all–

We must take the right attitude toward our environment with its multifold processes.

In order to bring ourselves to this attitude, we are to remember that:

The goal of all growth is the realization of God as the only Presence and Power.

Everyone is on his way to his goal. Some are farther along than others.

Problems vary according to one’s development.

A problem, when rightly met, becomes a stepping stone to greater unfoldment.

Many so-called problems, when understood, are no longer hardships but blessings.

Sometimes more or less quickly according to our faithfulness, we shall realize steadfastly [37] our oneness with the Father. In this realization there are no problems.

The great discovery of the eighteenth century was that law included everything and controlled everything. The still more wonderful discovery of the twentieth century is that law extends also to the inner life of the individual. The mental, moral, and spiritual phases of our being are lawful. It is a marvelous experience for us to come to understand that we are subject to inharmony only as long as we submit to it. Enlightenment will free us. Jesus says, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

As long as we believe that God sends suffering, we shall consider trouble and disease inevitable; but when we come to know the Truth of God’s Omnipresence and are convinced that God is blessing us always with health and all good, we shall see that we do not have to be ill or inharmonious.

We shall accept our birthright of perfect harmony: physical, mental, and spiritual.

Every process, every experience is according to law. We are where we are in circumstance and in development by law, not by chance. As we come into the understanding of the great principles of the universe, and train ourselves to practice these in our thinking, we live powerfully, and problems disappear from our experience.

Strength is brought forth in solving problems. Latent force is evolved that we should otherwise not be conscious of possessing. A problem is a call upon us to come forth–to express what is within. It is an opportunity to learn more of [38] principle, to lay hold of the depth of Being, and to prove its truth. Problems cease as problems; that is, the problematical part ceases, but not the opportunity to demonstrate what we know. A problem solved is no longer a problem.

There will always be the inner and the outer life, or Life-Principle and its visible manifestation. Principle never changes; outer events and incidents vary, and we also change our attitude toward them, thus putting a different interpretation upon them.

Life is not a struggle; it is only lack of consciousness that makes the struggle in living.

Do not call your problems troubles; there is but one trouble in the world–our mental attitude towards things, the view we take of them. Face your troubles; ask the meaning; seek to know the purpose.

There are two ways by which we may get rid of trouble. We may change our mental attitude; we may see everything as opportunity. What once made us weep, will make us happy.

Inharmonies, whether mental or bodily, mean that we have stepped aside from the Path of Truth. They are the warning voice that says, “Come back; get hold again; be positive.” If we could wander from the consciousness of God’s Presence and be comfortable, we might stay there; but troubles and sickness are the prods that push us back to realize nearness to God. They are continually saying, “Come up higher.” Poverty says, “Bring forth your wisdom and strength. Apply your knowledge and understanding.” [39] As long as we are in the place of changing conditions we need spurs to action. We fill our lives with companionship, not by seeking but by giving. The new phase of life is non-resistance; not taking arms against a sea of trouble, but lifting our thoughts into clear perception. Everything is co-operating with us. We have failed to meet the demand, but the universe is forcing us to co-operate. There is no separation; all is unity. In this consciousness we can see that problems are opportunities.

The three supreme principles that we are to demonstrate in solving our problems are:

I. Unity–

All are expressions of One Whole. All are included in the One.

“There is one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all,” is Paul’s way of putting it. Jesus sees himself and us in the Father. Both Paul and Jesus demonstrated this principle when they gave themselves in loving service to humanity.

II. Goodness–

We partake of the nature of God.

To demonstrate this in powerful living, there must be perfect integrity in every relationship–in our domestic, social, and business activities.

III. Abundance–

Mankind, begotten of God, is included in the Life Universal, the Life that abounds in richness.

Each soul shares with all humanity in these Infinite Treasures.

When we take these principles as our working basis, and demonstrate them in our living, we find that one by one our problems are solved. A great peace comes to us. We rejoice in a new realization of Power. We shout from the depths of our being.

All things are possible to him who believes in God’s Allness, God’s Goodness, God’s Abundance.

Lesson 9

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